Bon Voyage

As you course through my blog, this is welcoming you aboard and wishing you a safe passage. I believe life is a journey and we are all passengers. So in the course of this journey, please do honestly criticize albeit constructively, commend where and when necessary and recommend so that i could be a better writer and make the journey a worthwhile one. I'll be glad to tap from your reservoir of knowledge.

Have a nice ride.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Uniqueness in you

I was in limbo when two Mortals sent for ME! I was conceived by the act of man and woman in coitus; I wonder if gays could have borne me as is the craze these days! The love and affection of my parents triggered their sense of responsibility and they sought to achieve the Divine will-Procreation.

The magnificence of the Creator and His artistry brought me to life. In the cry of a baby, my parents found joy. From The benevolence of the Almighty, they harvested a blessing, Nnamdi!!!
As a toddler, I protested in fear of those unknown faces. With my feeble fingers I sucked and yearned for mama’s breast and smiled to papa’s discomfort when I pooped.

As a child, I crawled, learnt to walk, fell and stood up again- A hard lesson I would later realize is a recurrent theme of Life on earth. Then I babbled and talked their talk-refusing to be a silent spectator. I was brought up in the way of the Lord and revered the only gods I knew by sight-my Parents!

The rod was spoilt and I became the better as I learned to read and write. I scored so low in grades and with the encouragement of my Teachers, I scored high and excelled.
As a teenager, my body evolved as I hit puberty. I giggled at the sight of Eve’s daughters and pondered of the hidden beauty of nudity (don’t judge me). A feeling grew in my pants and my heart skipped a beat whenever I saw a pretty gal. I dared to be different; I swam in an ocean of vices, some of which still clings to me.

I was welcomed to the Ivory Towers and got lost in a World unprecedented, filled with independence and far away from home. I fell, I rose-as usual and I also conquered! I also discovered my passion for the writ which I delicately nurtured as the Muse choose me, a disciple.

Yes, I struggle. I do my best to live each day as an adult. Responsible for my actions, the choices I make and the friends I keep while always acknowledging those I have. Its still a long road ahead…

I am a Victor and so are YOU! Illuminate the World, step into greatness and discard the robe of mediocrity…because you were created UNIQUE!

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